Interfaces to Human Experience

The Subjective Suites

The Subjective Suites & Memories of Air consist of two separate - yet well interwoven parts - for which The Subjective Suites is an artefact based collection of perspectives on air. None of these are actually qualities of the air itself. In this regard every piece included embodies an idea of something we almost don't have in our minds - yet this something is needed for survival - every single instant of our lives.

The writings on each item is also the title. Every title is written as a subjective thought - as to reinforce the understanding of the spectator's role in experiencing the individual works.

A solo show by Nandi Nobell at Färgfabriken, Stockholm, spring 2016


Photographs by Patrik Engström © 2016

Neptunian Weather Forecasts Are Useless To Me

Neptunian Weather Forecasts Are Useless To Me

Although carbon is essential for life, diamonds are not - yet they are one of the things we as humans have come to value the most. At the same time air only exist on our planet- to the best of our knowledge. On several other planets within our solar system diamonds literally rain from the sky and still we mindlessly treat the only habitable environment we have seen poorly at best.


Materials: walnut, brass, glass, brilliant cut diamond, ink, air.

This Air Was Once In Someone Else's Lungs Both That of This Capsule and That of My Breath

This Air Was Once In Someone Else's Lungs Both That of This Capsule and That of My Breath

Materials: stainless steel, glass, titanium, ink, air.

I am staring at hot metal and realize temperature is not a quality of the air

I am staring at hot metal and realize temperature is not a quality of the air

Materials: stainless steel, steel, light bulb, ink, air.

When I read this text out loud it is evident I need air to speak

When I read this text out loud it is evident I need air to speak

Materials: walnut wood, brass, prism, papper, ink, air.

These creatures are as unaware of water as I am of air

These creatures are as unaware of water as I am of air

Materials: stainless steel, glass, eco system, ink, air.

A beautiful frame surrounds only air - so what am I looking at?

A beautiful frame surrounds only air - so what am I looking at?

Materials: walnut wood, brass, paper, ink, air.

I see air and its optical equivalent

I see air and its optical equivalent

What does the reflection of the unseen but know look like?


Materials: stainless steel, mirror, paper, ink, air.

I notice only the flow - never the air

I notice only the flow - never the air

Materials: brass, ink, air (connected to the ventilation system of the building).
